
North Dakota Lawmakers Reassess Harassment Policy Amid Rising Complaints

By Kaitlyn Huss Jul 16, 2024 | 1:54 PM

North Dakota lawmakers are reviewing the Legislature’s workplace harassment policy after a rise in complaints to the North Dakota Ethics Commission. The 2018 policy, covering lawmakers, staff, and third parties like lobbyists and media, outlines reporting and investigating procedures for harassment and discrimination.

Despite no formal allegations filed under the policy, recent complaints to the Ethics Commission have prompted this reevaluation. Sen. Kathy Hogan, D-Fargo, who helped establish the policy, and others are considering revisions. Suggestions include informal resolutions for minor disputes and protections for those accused of unfounded complaints.

House Majority Leader Rep. Mike Lefor, R-Dickinson, proposed more confidentiality, similar to the Ethics Commission’s process, while House Minority Leader Rep. Josh Boschee, D-Fargo, emphasized confidentiality for reporters to encourage coming forward.

Sen. Jerry Klein, R-Fessenden, indicated draft revisions would be prepared before the next committee meeting in the fall. This review follows expanded harassment training and the 2021 expulsion of former Rep. Luke Simons for harassment allegations, which highlighted the need for robust support and disciplinary measures.


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