
Vilsack Announces Record Breaking Award to Farm to School Program

By Ryan King Jul 18, 2024 | 12:00 PM

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced the USDA is awarding a record breaking 14.3 million dollars to the Farm to School Grants Program in 154 projects across 43 states including the district of Columbia, Guam and Puerto Rico.

This Investment will help feed over 1.9 million children, helping them eat more filling nutritious foods in school, while also supporting farmers and producers in their local communities.

With this program children in the communities also have a chance to learn about nutrition and agriculture while also having a hands-on experience like planting watering and harvesting the food coming into the schools.

And according to the USDA 54% of students served by these projects are eligible for free and reduced school meals, with more than 67,000 schools participating in the program.


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