
Indiana Offering Mental Health Help for Farmers and Rural Youth

By Ryan King Aug 15, 2024 | 1:20 PM

Farmers face significant stress EVERYDAY due to lower commodity prices, high input costs, and the pressures of preparing for harvest.

A Purdue Extension educator and member of the Purdue Extension Farm Stress Team, emphasized the importance of seeking help and not keeping stress bottled up. She advocates for reaching out to trusted family members or mental health resources, such as calling 988 during a crisis, to manage stress effectively and prevent negative impacts on personal well-being and relationships.

The Purdue Extension Farm Stress Team is also focusing on mental health education for agricultural students and rural youth in the area. They recognize that standard mental health curricula may not fully address the unique challenges faced by those in farming communities. However, the team is developing a curriculum tailored to help young people cope with stress and generational challenges. This initiative aims to provide relevant support and coping strategies for those living and working in rural areas.


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