
North Dakota Organizations Disagree Over Measure 4

By Ryan King Sep 19, 2024 | 10:52 AM

Two major farm organizations in North Dakota are divided over Measure 4, a ballot initiative that could fundamentally change farmland taxation and affect local government funding. Set for a vote on November 5, the North Dakota Farm Bureau supports the measure, arguing that it would eliminate property taxes based on assessed value and enhance property ownership freedom. Farm Bureau President Daryl Lies stated that this change aligns with the foundational principles of the American dream.

Conversely, the North Dakota Farmers Union opposes Measure 4, expressing concerns about the lack of a plan to replace the significant revenue loss it could cause—estimated at $3.15 billion for the 2025-2027. Policy analyst’s highlighted the potential negative impact on local governments, particularly in rural areas. While the Farm Bureau is committed to collaborating with the Legislature to address revenue loss, supporters like Rick Becker believe the state can offset these losses by cutting wasteful spending. Currently, North Dakota farmstead homes are exempt from property tax, but the land remains taxable, making this measure’s implications significant for farmers.


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