
Arsenic-Laden Taxidermy Animals in South Dakota Will Be Transported, Preserved

By Seth Dunlap Feb 17, 2025 | 6:41 AM

Paha_L / Depositphotos.com

A well-known Taxidermy museum in South Dakota is being forced to close due to likely arsenic exposure.

Testing showed 80% of the tigers, monkeys, crocodiles, and other stuffed taxidermy animals at the Delbridge Museum of Natural History in Sioux Falls had potentially-hazardous levels of arsenic on them.

The initial results came in late 2023, and the Sioux Falls City Council has been debating what to do with the structure and animals.

The Council approved a resolution late week that would donate the mounts to educational or research institutions, including those at the University of Notre Dame, and the Institute for Natural History in New Jersey.

The entirety of the collection will be preserved per the agreement, and the old museum building, which is at the Great Plains Zoo, will be torn down.


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