
Runnin’ O’ the Green was a success, but wasn’t without incident

By Payton Gall Mar 19, 2025 | 6:46 PM

Jamestown’s Running O’ the Green was a success, withover 1,200 participants scattered about town on Saturday. Larry Knoblich, the founder of the run, said the crowd was well behaved. The local bars were quite packed as participants made their rounds, consuming a beverage at every stop. However, there were a few incidents. The Jamestown Police Department reported 36 traffic stops that led to 21 citations and 25 written warnings. There was one DUI arrest. Other calls included an aggravated assault, a hit and run, and one report of trespassing on the railroad, causing a train to emergency stop. Lt. Andrew Staska of the police department told the Jamestown Sun that one intoxicated female either fell or was lying next to the railroad tracks and a male was trying to pull her away. The train operator stopped the train and no one was hurt, but the train blocked 2nd Avenue for at least 30 minutes. The event was still a success however; Knoblich said they expect to reach their $35,000 goal with $25,000 of that going to Elks Camp Grassick, a summer camp for kids with disabilities, and $10,000 going to people with cancer.


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