
Potential Longshoremen Strike Announced

By Ryan King Sep 18, 2024 | 9:35 AM

The International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA) has announced that a strike could begin on Tuesday, October 1, if a new labor contract with the United States Maritime Alliance (USMX) is not reached. The primary disputes in negotiations include issues related to wages, automation, health care, and container royalties. The potential strike involves up to 85,000 longshoremen working across the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts, as well as the Great Lakes and major U.S. rivers, and could significantly disrupt the export of agricultural products from the U.S., particularly during the harvest season.

An Executive Director of the Soy Transportation Coalition, notes that while bulk exports of soybeans and other agricultural products may not be directly affected, containerized exports will face disruptions. The Mississippi Gulf Region, a major hub for soybean exports, could experience significant delays. Additionally, exports of chilled or frozen meats and eggs would also be impacted. As a result, agricultural exporters are beginning to consider alternative routes, such as the West Coast, which may lead to higher costs and longer transit times, further straining the supply chain.


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